PDF⋙ Church Boyz III: Pleasures of the Flesh (Volume 3) by Beast
Church Boyz III: Pleasures of the Flesh (Volume 3) by Beast
Church Boyz III: Pleasures of the Flesh (Volume 3) by Beast PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
What is done in the dark is always brought to the light. Deacon Smith’s youngest, Gabriel, is reminded of this fact when a surprise guest pops up. Happy reunions turn sour very quickly. Isaiah, the eldest brother, still pays for the sins of his reckless brother, Micah.The foundation he’s built at the church he grew up in comes crumbling down. Only his fiancé, Tasha, can cure what ails the man. Micah, the black sheep and middle child, finds himself facing charges and time in prison. But if nothing else, the young man is resourceful. If there is anyone who can make all atone for their sins, it’s Micah.
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