PDF⋙ Kid Ethics: From A to Z by James "Bud" Bottoms

Kid Ethics: From A to Z by James "Bud" Bottoms

Kid Ethics: From A to Z

Kid Ethics: From A to Z by James "Bud" Bottoms PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Much like learning the alphabet, children should be exposed to the formal education of ethics at a very early age to help them socialize in appropriate and respectful ways. Childhood is a time when these future citizens should acquire the skills and attitudes that result in respect and proper decorum. This is also a workbook designed to incorporate basic skills such as reading, writing, and spelling into the child s development of ethical principles. The whimsical cartoons and rhymes not only define the word but encourage the reader to think about that word. This is followed with a question which asks the student to think and to express the meaning and application of each word. The cartoons may be colored and enhanced by the child, serving as a reinforcing reminder of the ethics being described. Kid Ethics will help develop thoughtful, respectful, and caring citizens. We use ethics every day, all of our lives. That's why one of the best features of this book is that it encourages the whole family to participate in these essential values.

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