PDF⋙ Unreal Engine 4 by Example by Benjamin Colin Carnall
Unreal Engine 4 by Example by Benjamin Colin Carnall
Unreal Engine 4 by Example by Benjamin Colin Carnall PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
An example based practical guide to get you up and running with Unreal Engine 4
About This Book
- A unique resource on Unreal with an interactive example based approach that is sure to get you up and running immediately
- Will feature four unique game projects that increase in complexity which will enable readers to build their game development skills using Unreal Engine 4 and the C++ programming language
- Will be the most up to date book in the market on Unreal with full coverage of the new features of UE4
Who This Book Is For
Unreal Engine by Example was written for keen developers who wish to learn how to fully utilize Unreal Engine 4 to make awesome and engrossing game titles. Whether you are brand new to game development or a seasoned expert, you will be able to make use of the engine with C++. Experience with both C++ and other game engines is preferred before embarking on the Unreal by Example journey, but with a little external research into the basics of C++ programming, this book can take a complete game development novice to an Unreal Engine Developer!
What You Will Learn
- Use C++ with Unreal Engine to boost the development potential of any Unreal Engine project
- Vastly improve workflow and content creation with the visual scripting system blueprint
- Design, test, and implement interesting game worlds using Unreal Engines built-in editor
- Build a networked, feature-rich first person shooter that you can play with others over LAN
- Build design-centric game worlds that play to needs of your game ideas
- Paint your game worlds via the creation and modification of visual shaders called materials
- Gain knowledge of other game development disciplines through the use of the Animation and Material tool sets
- Create feature-rich game projects with a sophisticated visual quality and feature set
In Detail
With Unreal Engine 4 being made free to use, for any keen game developer it is quickly becoming the most popular game engine in today’s development industry. The engine offers a rich feature set that can be customized and built upon through the use of C++. This book will cover how to work with Unreal Engine’s tool set all the way from the basics of the editor and the visual scripting system blueprint to the in-depth low-level creation of content using C++.
This book will provide you with the skills you need to create feature-rich, captivating, and refined game titles with Unreal Engine 4. This book will take you through the creation of four unique game projects, designed so that you will be ready to apply the engine’s rich development capabilities. You will learn not only to take advantage of the visual tools of the engine, but also the vast and powerful programming feature set of Unreal Engine 4.
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