PDF⋙ Flippy and Toadpole (Flippy & Friends) by John Mese, Dawn Kelsey
Flippy and Toadpole (Flippy & Friends) by John Mese, Dawn Kelsey
Flippy and Toadpole (Flippy & Friends) by John Mese, Dawn Kelsey PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Ages 1 to 5'They're the only books my oldest daughter makes me put on her bedside table when she goes to sleep. She just loves her Flippy books . . . and I had to get two copies because the girls don't want to share them! Now I read my book and Flippy to my youngest daughter every night . . . and keep copies on my bedside table in case they come into our bed!' --Brooke Shields, actress & mother, NYC & Los Angeles
Join Flippy the tadpole and best friend Toadpole the half-grown frog as they learn that you can be anything! In the first in the Flippy and Friends board book trilogy, Flippy becomes everything from 'Mighty Mississippi Flippy,' to 'Chunky Chocolate Chippy Flippy,' and 'Super Hippy Dippy Flippy.' This new children's book series places giggles galore at your fingertips and provides plenty of sing-song rhymes and simple eye-catching graphics that newborns and toddlers absolutely love!
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