PDF⋙ The Norton Anthology of American Literature (Ninth Edition) (Vol. Package 2: Volumes C, D, E)
The Norton Anthology of American Literature (Ninth Edition) (Vol. Package 2: Volumes C, D, E)
The Norton Anthology of American Literature (Ninth Edition) (Vol. Package 2: Volumes C, D, E) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A responsive, refreshed, and media-rich revision of the market-leading anthology of American literature.
The most-trusted anthology for complete works, balanced selections, and helpful editorial apparatus, The Norton Anthology of American Literature features a cover-to-cover revision. The Ninth Edition introduces new General Editor Robert Levine and three new-generation editors who have reenergized the volume across the centuries. Fresh scholarship, new authors―with an emphasis on contemporary writers―new topical clusters, and a new ebook make the Norton Anthology an even better teaching tool and an unmatched value for students.From reader reviews:
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