PDF⋙ Triangulating Peace: Democracy, Interdependence, and International Organizations (The Norton Series in World Politics) by John R. Oneal, Bruce Russett
Triangulating Peace: Democracy, Interdependence, and International Organizations (The Norton Series in World Politics) by John R. Oneal, Bruce Russett
Triangulating Peace: Democracy, Interdependence, and International Organizations (The Norton Series in World Politics) by John R. Oneal, Bruce Russett PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Does democracy reduce conflict?
Triangulating Peace tackles today’s most provocative hypothesis in the field of international relations: the democratic peace proposition. Drawing on ideas originally put forth by Immanuel Kant, the authors argue that democracy, economic interdependence, and international mediation can successfully cooperate to significantly reduce the chances of war.From reader reviews:
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