PDF⋙ Kingdom Keepers Books 1-3: Featuring Kingdom Keepers I, II, and III by Ridley Pearson

Kingdom Keepers Books 1-3: Featuring Kingdom Keepers I, II, and III by Ridley Pearson

Kingdom Keepers Books 1-3: Featuring Kingdom Keepers I, II, and III

Kingdom Keepers Books 1-3: Featuring Kingdom Keepers I, II, and III by Ridley Pearson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Collecting books 1-3 of the New York Times best-selling series! When Disney Imagineers installed hologram guides for the Magic Kingdom using five teenage models, they had no idea the technology might backfire. But backfire it did: some nights when the kids go to sleep, they wake up in one of the Disney parks as a hologram. Soon the five young teens find themselves pitted against Disney villains and witches that threaten both the future of Walt Disney World and the stability of the world outside its walls. As this fantastical thriller evolves, Finn and his friends must use their new skills to protect other Disney Parks, traveling to the Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Epcot, and more! This gripping high-tech tale will thrill every kid who has ever dreamed of sneaking into Disney parks after hours or wondered what happens at night when the parks are closed.

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