PDF⋙ The Ultra Violets #3: Lilac Attack! by Sophie Bell

The Ultra Violets #3: Lilac Attack! by Sophie Bell

The Ultra Violets #3: Lilac Attack!

The Ultra Violets #3: Lilac Attack! by Sophie Bell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A smart superhero book for girls with plenty of glitter—perfect for fans of The Powerpuff Girls

It all started with the mysterious purple goo . . .

What happens when four best friends find themselves splattered with a bubbling, genetically altering substance during a seemingly innocent sleepover in a secret, see-through, high-tech, futuristic lab? The develop superpowers, that’s what! Iris, Cheri, Scarlet, and maybe Opaline have become . . .


After a close encounter with Opaline's pugnacious perfume at her baddie birthday party in book 2, the Ultra Violets realize they have a lot of cleaning up to do.

When IRIS lets her purple flag fly, the UVs decide to reveal their true colors to Sync City.

CHERI is pleased with the applause, but after a little mathematical deduction, she knows the peace won't last long. BeauTek and the mutants are scheming up something sinister in the Mall of No Returns.

And then SCARLET overhears the Black Swans whispering about a mysterious BeauTekification plan and decides to do a little investigating, dropkick style.

Just as the skies are starting to look particularly stormy, OPAL asks to be an Ultra Violet again. Can the girls trust their previously evil friend?

In this exciting third book, the Ultra Violets must team up to save SyncCity from the smelly Joan River—and kick some evil mutant BeauTek butt!

Dorks are done and . . . the fuchsia is now!

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