PDF⋙ Hello, My Name is...: A Miss Hyde Novella (Volume 1) by Kindra Sowder

Hello, My Name is...: A Miss Hyde Novella (Volume 1) by Kindra Sowder

Hello, My Name is...: A Miss Hyde Novella (Volume 1)

Hello, My Name is...: A Miss Hyde Novella (Volume 1) by Kindra Sowder PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Blythe McAlister is an art consultant, ambitious, beautiful, rich and successful. She can close a sale in a New York minute, set up a showing of an obscure artist’s life’s works in her spare time and she always dresses to impress. That’s her by day. Like most twenty-somethings, she goes out and enjoys the night life and New York City has so much to offer her; booze, dancing and a close friend. She can attract any man and never goes home alone, but unlike other girls her age, Blythe has a secret. One you would have never guessed. Remember the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Well, they only got the story half right.

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