PDF⋙ The Art of SEO (Theory in Practice) by Eric Enge, Stephan Spencer, Jessie Stricchiola, Rand Fishkin
The Art of SEO (Theory in Practice) by Eric Enge, Stephan Spencer, Jessie Stricchiola, Rand Fishkin
The Art of SEO (Theory in Practice) by Eric Enge, Stephan Spencer, Jessie Stricchiola, Rand Fishkin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Four acknowledged experts in search engine optimization share guidelines and innovative techniques that will help you plan and execute a comprehensive SEO strategy. This second edition brings you up to date on recent changes in search engine behavior—such as new ranking methods involving user engagement and social media—with an array of effective tactics, from basic to advanced.
- Comprehend SEO’s many intricacies and complexities
- Explore the underlying theory and inner workings of search engines
- Understand the role of social media, user data, and links
- Discover tools to track results and measure success
- Recognize how changes to your site can confuse search engines
- Learn to build a competent SEO team with defined roles
- Glimpse the future of search and the SEO industry
Visit www.artofseobook.com for late-breaking updates, checklists, worksheets, templates, and guides.
"SEO expertise is a core need for today’s online businesses. Written by some of the top SEO practitioners out there, this book can teach you what you need to know for your online business."
—Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.com, Inc., author of New York Times bestseller Delivering Happiness
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